Do you have an interest in this age-old healing technique?
Our Level 1 Workshop provides a safe, supportive environment to explore the Traditional Usui Reiki method of healing. Guided by Theresa, Reiki Master Teacher with over 25 yrs of teaching experience.
Gain an understanding of how our bodies process the negative impact from stress, trauma and injury. Develop the skills to unlock your body’s powerful natural healing energy – heal yourself, your family, friends – even your fur babies.
This is a two-day course which is limited to 10 students, so you receive maximum support. Click on the booking button to secure your place today!
“Practitioner Level”
Advanced skills in Traditional Usui Reiki method of healing.
Gain a greater understanding of how your body processes and reacts to everyday situations mentally, emotionally, and physically.
What is covered:
• Facilitating Distant Healing.
• Symbols
• Empowering Goals
• Beaming
• Scanning
Empowering your home.
This is a 2-day course and bookings are essential as numbers are limited.
Come and spend a day totally designed to allow you to be at complete peace with yourself and the world around you. In this retreat you will learn ways to bring yourself back to balance/centre in your everyday life. You will be able to handle issues more easily without having your equilibrium unbalanced.
Here you will connect deeply with yourself and learn a little more about yourself and what you need to do to bring balance and harmony to your everyday life. Learn why Self-Care is so very important in our lives.
Set your intent and create your vision board or master plan for the New Year from your higher self.
We hold many beliefs and ideals around what we should do and how we should live our lives and run our businesses. These beliefs do not always support us, they can hold us in a place of lack, uncertainty and push us to work harder, strive for more, and take the joy from what we do, moving us to a place of doubt, overwhelm and uncertainty.
The truth is you are enough!
You have all you need within you to do all that you desire to do, and when you connect to all that is you and are moving in the energetic/spiritual/intuitive self – nothing is impossible.
When we move to intention rather than goal setting, we can shift these beliefs and create the life and business we desire to have. Whatever ‘rule’ you create for you, or belief you hold, will become your truth.
Change the rules, create the intention, and step into the fullness of all that is you. Join me to set your intent and create your vision board or master plan for the New Year from your higher self.
**Please note this workshop includes a light luncheon from 12.30pm to 2pm.
We will set the foundation for your life and or business by:
• Activating your soul purpose
• Creating your vision – tapped into, listening to and being guided by your higher self.
• Setting your intent around health, wellbeing, abundance, joy, connections and service.
• Identifying the blocks
• Moving to a place of empowered thought and empowered action.
Everybody has unlimited potential and psychic gifts no matter who you are. There are no exceptions, we all have it within us.
In this spiritual workshop you will learn how to unlock your psychic abilities while enhancing your enlightenment. There will be “Ah Ha” moments during this magical day of discovery.
You will learn:
● How to meditate & connect to the Spirits around you
● Learn about Spirit Guides and more
● Exploring the psychic gifts within you (the 4 Clair’s) – Clairvoyance (ability to see), Clairsentience (ability to sense), Claircognizance (ability to know) and Clairaudience (ability to hear)
● Introduction to the Chakras
● How to balance your Chakras
● How to see Aura’s
● How to protect your energy and that of your home
● Plus a whole lot more.
Crystals are considered to be “The Children of the Earth”. Or, put another way, they are the flowers of the Mineral Kingdom, having taken many millions of years to form deep beneath the Earth’s surface.
Throughout History, Crystals, regardless of the shape or colour, were considered sacred and the sole property of the Priest or Medicine Man. The Aboriginal People consider the Clear Quartz as the home of the Rainbow Serpent.
Colour theory encompasses a multitude of definitions, concepts and design applications that encompassed by colour healing.
Colour Healing has been practiced for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians worked with colour-healing in their temples at Luxor and Heliopolis. Some speculate that colour healing is even older than that, with the belief that the priests in Atlantis were the first to use colour healing techniques.
In all we do, everything has a cause and effect, including colour and music (or sound). Vibrations affect our lives on such a large scale and colour is everywhere; it is a vital part of symbolism. This is partly to do with the vibratory frequency each individual colour has, and partly to do with tradition. Come and learn how crystals and colour help you in your life.
Activate, Heal, Balance & Energize Your Chakra.
Explore and experience the chakras that exist in your energy body and govern your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well- being. We will also explore your interconnectedness to the planet and all that is around you in this 14-week workshop.
Each level or plane has an impact on us, so comprehending the consciousness of each level can help maintain balance in our reality.
Every level offers a solution for every emotion or ailment in the body, and by engaging with the essences of each level, an individual’s vibration can be altered.
Essentially, all levels revolve around light and vibration, and by choosing the appropriate mineral, the correct vibration can be generated, leading to healing.
Our belief system, unique to each of us, dictates our actions and motives, encompassing our physical and emotional being.
Perfect health is achieved when there is perfect balance.
For instance, an imbalance in the first level of creation arises when there is
a deficiency in the chemical equilibrium of an individual.
Come and join in the fun and learning of making your very own Crystal Wand.
In this workshop you will learn about wands and their uses, and also gain some knowledge about the crystals, their uses and how they work with you.
On the day you will be connecting with yourself on a much deeper level and working with your intuition to create your beautiful wand and understand the reason it was created and its use in your life now.
So come along and enjoy some time creating your masterpiece and meeting some beautiful like-minded souls.
Using combined therapies I assist you on your health and wellness journey